After texture, depth is the next factor in site selection.
How much soil do you have to work with?
This factor is a mental measurement of how deep "domestic" plant roots can penetrate until they hit rock.
The deeper the better for most situations. The framework breaks down like this,
Very Deep= 72"+. This factor does not limit site use.
Deep = 72-40". This range does limit some building and agrarian use.
Moderatly Deep= 40-20". Shallowing at this point does limit some cropping and building uses.
Shallow = 20-10". This series severely limits the siter use for cropping and building.
Very Shallow = 10" and less. This factor greatly limits site function.
Many creative solutions can be implemented for each "unideal" factor, but solutions will typically increase costs on a more limited site.
On many real estate plots, the factors change within the location. Depending on the topography, you may have all factors on just one acre of land. In that case, microsite evaluation will be needed instead of macro.
So where do you start?
It depends on your vision and goals. Each site is unique, specific, and variable concerning many factors.
For total function, the form, geography, history, and climate come into consideration. The ways and means we apply to the land must be aligned to the ends we are aiming for.
Deep roots = Deep mineral.
If we can help you in your search for the perfect site to start sending down your roots, please reach out!