12. “CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.”
Yes, we are going to talk about it. Poor Richards's 12th virtue of chastity. I'm about to go there in 2023. Webster phrases it as,
"abstention from unlawful sexual intercourse. : abstention from all sexual intercourse. The priest took a vow of chastity. : purity in conduct and intention. sought to protect her threatened chastity."
Let's do it for the betterment of the human race. We can choose reproductiveness when and how we need it. We can use frozen semen when required to increase the population as needed for sustainability. It will prevent the satire fiction of A Modest Proposal from becoming a reality.
We can embryo collect and transfer from only the finest females to improve the species. We can superovulate if needed. When we need to beef up, we breed to the thicker males. But because they are SO big, we have to artificial inseminate and perform cesarean section to make it work.
If we only want only females, we will sort off all the male sperm in the centrifuge. If we need to improve, we can splice, dice, and gene edit the best fit for the type. We can artificially self-select our future for a better planet.

We can flip through pages in broodstock magazines to select only the best for society and the pocketbook. We can use the new tech of artificial wombs to rear our projects and then once we have bred the best, we will clone them.
Further, we will see the need for further purification due to STDs and reproductive uncertainties and we will begin to use stem cells from our finest.
We can bulk-produce the fetal serum needed for the process of tissue development. The newest IPO on the street is just the business in the marketplace to help us in this department. In addition, if we buy shares now it will give us global exposure for our portfolio. Chastity will not be needed in that techomarvelous futuristic sterile world. Ahh. At last.

I believe someone has "injured another's peace or reputation.” Someone hasn't applied chastity to their behaviors. It appears we have a bastard on our hands. Of course, I'm talking about livestock breeding.
Franklin's path to becoming a better person and living a wholesome life was not always the easiest. As we study his life we see he had blind spots. However, he did apply some "uncommon sense".
Excuse me while I step outside, work in my garden, watch my lambs graze, breathe the good air, and enjoy the sunshine before I have to pay for it too.
Just because we can does not mean we should.