Crops from wild plants and trees are known as mast. Mast is a valuable food resource for wildlife, people and livestock. Forest species such as oak, hickory, and beech produce a hard mast—acorns, hickory nuts, and beechnuts.
Other tree and shrub species produce a soft mast, such as raspberries, blueberries, and greenbriar.
Entire forests, of annual and perennial plants, including hundreds of species of trees and shrubs, are known to mast at irregular periods of 2–12 years, providing nourishment for countless species and sustaining many ecological chain reactions.
Historically, land was valued by the amount of mast it produced.
Pigs or other livestock were turned loose into royal or common forests to fatten on mast in a practice known as pannage.
We drew our inspiration for our support levels
from our natural resources and the wisdom of history.
Support our Mission with the Pannage Program
Your support at any level helps us sustain our educational efforts to gather and cultivate energy and resources. Your contribution creates impact that ripples across generations. If you have a different amount in mind, please reach out. We love to collaborate with others who share our mission.
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0$ÂAre you intrigued by our mission? Curious about how you can get involved? Lets visit.Valid for 6 monthsCompanion Partner
100$ÂOne Time Donation of $100Valid for one yearAnnual Partner
500$Every yearRecurring Annual SupportÂPerennial Partner
1,000$Every yearSupport our mission for for many growing seasons, just as a perennial plant comes back each year.ÂSoft Mast Partner
3,000$ÂA seasonal harvest of support for programs each growing season.Valid for one yearHard Mast Partner
5,000$ÂHard mast consists of nutrient dense nuts, seeds & cones from perennial trees and shrubs.ÂAbove the Canopy
10,000$ÂBecome a Major Supporter of the F2B MissionValid for one year